Welcome to Mechanical Engineering Training Courses

At Energy Total Group, we’re dedicated to shaping the next generation of mechanical engineers through our industry-leading training courses. With over 30+ years of experience in consultancy and a team of seasoned experts boasting 30+ years of industry experience, we’re here to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the competitive world of mechanical engineering.

Why Choose

  1. Unparalleled Expertise: Our courses are designed and delivered by industry experts with extensive experience in mechanical engineering. Learn from the best and gain insights directly from professionals who have navigated the challenges and successes of the field.

  2. Practical Learning: We believe in hands-on, practical learning experiences. Our courses are structured to provide you with real-world scenarios, case studies, and projects that mimic the challenges you’ll face in your career. Get ready to hit the ground running from day one.

  3. Comprehensive Curriculum: Dive deep into the core concepts of mechanical engineering with our comprehensive curriculum. Whether it’s Piping Design & Engineering, Equipment Design Engineering, or HVAC Design Engineering, our courses cover all the essential topics to ensure you’re well-equipped for success.

  4. Industry-Relevant Skills: Stay ahead of the curve with skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to the current industry landscape. We keep our courses updated to reflect the latest advancements and best practices in mechanical engineering, so you’re always learning what matters most.

Our Course

Mechanical Engineering Training Courses

Gain practical experience with hands-on projects and interactive sessions,
guided by industry experts with over 30+ years of experience.